Sunday, July 22, 2012

Ramayan: agni pareeksha

Ram Kills Tadaka

Hanoman Duta

Ravan kills Rama's ancestor Aranya and gets cursed

Hanuman frees the grahas

Hanuman sets off for Lanka to find out why Ravan hasn't bothered to come out with his troops to fight. He seen Jyotishacharya (Ravan's astrologer), and assuming a disguise, tells him that he's been sent by Ravan to serve him. The astrologer asks him to fetch the grahas, and so Hanuman sets off for that chamber. He's blocked by the guards, but overwhelms them all. In the chamber, he frees all the grahas, and Shani (Saturn) promises him that his inauspicious looks would never fall on any Hanuman devotee. The grahass then disappear and Hanuman returns to camp.

Lord Hanuman tearing his chest

Sita's svayamvara

Indrajit - Ravan conversation

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